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El cantante Evripidis Sabatis denuncia un ataque homófobo que le rompió un tobillo


Evripidis homofobia

Un cantante traumatizado y con un tobillo roto: así fue el espeluznante ATAQUE HOMÓFOBO a Evripidis.

Por si no te suena su nombre o su cara, Evripidis Sabatis es un músico de origen griego que vive en Barcelona, responsable de Evripidis And His Tragedies. Pero desgraciadamente esta semana no es noticia por presentar un nuevo disco, sacar un nuevo videoclip o presentar nuevos conciertos. Lo es por el relato que ha hecho en sus redes sociales de un ataque homófobo.

El cantante Evripidis Sabatis denuncia un ataque homófobo que le rompió un tobillo: fue el año pasado cuando estaba con su novio en Atenas. Fueron rodeados por 8 moteros buscando problemas claramente, que empezaron a dirigirles insultos homófobos en medio de la noche, donde nadie podía socorrerles. Evripidis y su novio tuvieron que huir corriendo, esconderse hasta que dejaron de perseguirles y pedir ayuda sin éxito. Quedaron en shock, traumatizados y con un tobillo roto, como ves en la foto de arriba. La homofobia en Grecia parece ser mucho más grave de lo que podrías pensar. Aquí tienes el relato de Evripidis:


A year ago me and my then boyfriend were going down Lycabettus hill in Athens after some wonderful hours of drinking, kissing, laughing, watching the lights of the city and generally being happy. In our way down we were surrounded by 8 men on 4 motorbikes who were clearly going for trouble. After the first violent, homophobic insults and given the fact we were in the middle of nowhere and it was late in the night we took the only option available: we ran like chased animals down the steep slopes of the hill and practically threw ourselves from a small (but still at least 4 m high) cliff in order to escape. We were both injured but still we managed to reach the first houses below the hill. We hid inside a building and waited until the sound of the motorbikes faded away-those fuckers had driven down the hill and they were still looking for us. Needless to say that no matter how hard I had screamed no-one had answered, no door had been opened, no-one had appears in a balcony. My boyfriend was visiting Greece and he was in a shock, he had not even been able to cry for help. Luckily we managed to go further down the hills and catch a cab back to safety.

I ended up with a broken heel and a permanent fear of groups of straight 'bros' that I still have to let go. My partner had less visible lesions that had him seeing doctors for months and a psychological trauma that he had never experienced before in his 45 years. Apparently we were not the only ones-a year ago there was an outburst of extra violence against LGBT people in Athens with various documented cases. And Greece is still a country where sometimes it can be kind of tough to be who you are. There are so many worse places to be an LGBT person than my country of course, and people who end up with a lot more than just a broken bone. My thoughts go to them.

With my broken foot and my bruised confidence I kept on with my life, traveling, playing gigs and doing everything I could in order to not let that incident take me down. After some months I could walk properly again. I managed to go up that hill twice to chase away the demons. I also kept on with my policy of not hiding who I am and displaying in public my affection when I feel like doing it.

Still, every time I feel a bit threatened in public spaces without an apparent reason, every time I open my eyes in the middle of a kiss given in the street, I know where it comes from.

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