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Britney Spears ayuda a una niña a recuperarse de un aneurisma




BRITNEY ENFERMERA: Salva la vida a una niña con un aneurisma.

Le pueden llamar de todo, pero hay una cosa clara: la música de Britney Spears ha marcado un antes y un después en la vida de muchas personas, y especialmente en la vida de la chica que te hablamos hoy: Maegan Johnson de Alabama.

Esta chica de 13 años sufrió un aneurisma en el cerebro y los médicos la daban casi por muerta. Pasó por una peligrosa operación de 10 horas ya que la parte izquierda de su cuerpo se había quedado inmóvil y durante 6 semanas no pudo hablar ni moverse.

Fue entonces cuando, tras muchos intentos de animarla para que mejorara sin éxito, lo consiguieron con un cd en el que tenía grabada 'Toxic' de Britney Spears: "entonces sonreí, moví mis caderas y levanté mis brazos intentando bailar".

Por lo visto, ahora 'Toxic' se ha convertido en la canción que nunca falta en sus terapias, que simboliza su recuperación, y claro, Britney ha compartido emocionadísima la historia en sus redes sociales:




#justkeepdancing Ellen please read this. I am 13 years old from Phenix City, Alabama. When I was 7 I had a ruptured brain aneurysm and was airlifted to Scottish Rite Childrens Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia. The first week the doctors told my parents not to expect a good outcome. During a procedure to see how bad the bleed was, I had a stroke and it affected my left side. I had a 10 hour brain surgery, afterwards I couldnt speak for 6 weeks. I had to communicate on a dry erase board and became very depressed. I didnt want to smile or communicate. Special visitors came to the hospital like cheerleaders, clowns and dogs for therapy to cheer us up, but nothing worked. Until.... one day someone played one of my cds. The first song did nothing, but the next song was Toxic by Britney Spears-I smiled, tried moving my hips and lifting my arm waving it back and forth in the air trying to dance. That song was incorporated in ALL Therapy Sessions. It has been our hope to get my story to Britney. My parents said as an entertainer and mother, she would appreciate knowing the impact and role she played on my recovery. We have been trying for 6 years through radio stations, emails and all social media, with no luck. Hopefully with your help, my wish will finally come true. I just want to thank her and let her know how much I appreciate her and tell her my story. Thank you! With: Michele Glass Johnson and Carrie Houston Paris

Posted by Maegan Johnson on Miércoles, 3 de junio de 2015


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