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Guy Ritchie no se arrepiente de haberse casado con Madonna


Guy Ritchie ha dado una entrevista a la revista 'Details' y el periodista le preguntó por su matrimonio con Madonna.

Ritchie, lejos de censurar al periodista o irse por las ramas, respondió claramente que disfrutó mucho de su primer matrimonio. También reconoció haber entrado "en un culebrón, en el cual viví durante un largo periodo de mi vida" pero agradece que de ello salieron unos hijos maravillosos, y no se arrepiente de haberse lanzado a vivir con la Reina del Pop. Por último, cuenta que todo fue muy acelerado, que consiguió fama y dinero, que en definitiva está contento de haberse casado.

Aquí tienes la trasncripción de la entrevista:
DETAILS: You married Madonna when you were still a fledgling director and she was the most famous woman in the world. What was that adjustment like?
Guy Ritchie: I don't know. By the way, I enjoyed my first marriage. It's definitely not something I regret. The experience was ultimately very positive. I love the kids that came out of it, and I could see no other route to take. But you move on, don't you? You're right, I stepped into a soap opera, and I lived in it for quite a long period of my life. I'll probably be more eloquent on it 10 years from now.

DETAILS: What did you learn from that marriage?
Guy Ritchie: When you end up with a lot of the things you set out to chase and find that you've stumbled into all sorts of hollow victories, then you become deeply philosophical. I'm quite happy that that experience was accelerated for me. I'm glad I made money, in other words. And I'm glad I got married.

La entrevista completa está aquí

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